Child Protection Policy

DN Academies has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in classes from harm. Children have the right to be protected through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines.

1. DN Academies are aware that children under 18 and vulnerable persons of any age can be involved in their activities and that they have a responsibility, within the limits of their control and jurisdiction, to protect and safeguard the welfare of every such child and vulnerable person.

2. It is the policy of DN Academies that all children and vulnerable persons have the right to protection from abuse. All staff and volunteers who are in contact with such children and vulnerable persons are expected to be familiar with and to apply the procedures on:

  • Data protection in relation to all customers and students
  • Procedures at events, competitions, and courses
  • Photography and video recording

3. Any complaint or incident to be reported under this policy should be reported in the first instance to the person in charge of the event or the designated child protection officer (DN Dance Principal) indicating that an abuse of a child or vulnerable person’s welfare may have taken place.

4. On receipt of a complaint the child protection officer will investigate the complaint as soon as possible. All parties to the complaint will have the right to be heard, including the parents or legal guardian(s) of the child or vulnerable person concerned.

5. All DN Staff will at all times be fully PVG checked and hold an up to date Scottish Disclosure which is kept on file.

DN Academies adheres to the following Good Practice Guidelines

We will always:

  • work in an open environment (e.g. avoid private unobserved situations)
  • Treat all children equally and with respect and dignity.
  • Put the welfare of each child first
  • Make dance fun, enjoyable and promote fair play
  • Treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care and with due regard for the wishes of the student. (eg when helping place a dance alignment)
  • Be an excellent role model
  • Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback
  • Recognise the development/needs and capacity of young people and disabled adults
  • Keep a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given.
  • Request in writing, parental consent if any staff are to transport students in their cars (eg from one studio to another, to a competition or event)

Practices never to be sanctioned

  • Engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games
  • Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching
  • Make sexually suggestive comments to a child
  • Reduce a child to tears as a form of control
  • Allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon
  • Do things of a personal nature for children or disabled adults that they can do for themselves

Use of photographs and recordings

As consented by parent/guardian when registering with Dynam-nic Dance your child, whilst attending our classes, may be photographed for promotional purposes to demonstrate our school. The photos may be posted on the following:

  • DN Academies Facebook Page
  • DN Academies Instagram Feed
  • DN Academies Twitter
  • DN Academies Website

Written consent will be asked if DN Academies would like a photograph that includes your child, to appear in a local article for advertising purposes.

There will be occasions when we may record parts of the class on secure tablets or other secure devices to aid in choreography development and exam practice. The recordings will not be accessible by the general public and will be deleted after the event.

We are committed to only using pictures and film publicly which is less than two years old and/or whilst the student remains with us (whichever is the least amount of time).

Safe Touch Policy

Teaching dance is a physical activity and appropriate physical contact between students and teachers in class is essential to training, limb alignment and to prevent injury.

Teachers are required on occasions to make physical contact with a student to illustrate a concept or to adjust a student’s alignment – this allows dance progression and understanding.

We recognise that such physical contact is a complex area and we also fully recognise our responsibilities for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare.

The following principles and procedures are in place to fulfil our obligations:

  • Contact by the teacher is made with particular awareness to the needs of each individual/to assist the student in correcting placement.
  • All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care and with due regard for the wishes of the student.
  • Contact will not involve force or the use of any instrument.
  • Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated with a student – all classes should will be held in studios and performance areas with windows present.
  • Students should be encouraged to discuss any worries with any member of staff.
  • Both students and teachers should report any concerns to the Protection Offer (DN Academies Principal)

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